Lip Oinkment

One of the best parts of going to trade shows is meeting start-up companies with creativitiy.  They may not know quite what they are doing, they may or may not succeed, but man are they having fun trying!

“Sig the Pig’s” Peppermint Lip Oinkment is the newest flavor made by “Rooster Magee’s Lipbalm” – a husband & wife team from a small town in Montana.  When I asked them about the name, they hinted that it was an inside joke… as they looked at each other and laughed.  Things became more clear as I researched further… BEWARE – “Redneck Humor” ahead (no offense intended!)…

The business started like many – the wife decided to make humorous, yet functional gifts for her family.  She developed such an amazing reciepe & creative tag line, her husband coaxed her into starting a business.  Completely all natural, this lipbalm is a mix of six oils including organic soybean & olive oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax.  The peppermint is perfect – not overpowering with just the slightest mint tingle, and so soft – not waxy or greasy like some lipbalms.  As it says on the label, it is a “natural squealer healer”!

Support a start up business & buy some at today… as the rooster says “keep your pecker happy”.

(Tag line may be slightly inappropriate for my blog, however it is essential to their marketing!)


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